Emily went to the pediatrician for her 2-week checkup today. We met "our" doctor, Dr. Poole (she's been on vacation since July 4th and is finally back.) We enjoyed talking to the doctor, getting to know her, and getting our questions answered. Emily has grown 1/4 of an inch to a 21 1/4 inches, and has put on some weight, she now weighs 9 lbz 11 oz. We'll be out of those newborn diapers before we know it! The doctor wanted to see her get back to her birth weight of 9.2 and obviously, we've surpassed that! Emily's umbilical cord is almost off, and the bumps on her face are still baby acne, nothing new - so Dad and I are relieved :) A lab tech came in and drew blood for some tests, Emily did not like that too well, but she settled down pretty quickly.
We continue to experience some colic-type issues, but the doctor did not seem to be worried and said it was way too early to put that type of "diagnosis" on the baby. She said to just keep an eye on her and give her some over the counter drops to help, which we've been doing. We'll continue to watch her and see if she outgrows it on her own!
So, overall, the visit was great. Steve and I got some much needed Starbucks on the way home, and even went for a little drive seeing how Emily enjoys the car seat so much :)