Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Steve's Mom told us about a wonderful place that we went and saw today.  Around one week a year, each spring, a wealthy man opens his Preston Hollow estate's back yard (aka the most beautiful garden you will probably ever see in the city of Dallas!) to the public, for free. Steve, Granmom Betty, Emily, and I went there today and had a wonderful time. The place is breath-taking and absolutely spectacular. Next year, when Emily is older, we should go and bring a picnic lunch (that's allowed also - very generous people!!)  

Anyway....words fail me.....enjoy the pictures :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy Women's Day!

Today is a big holiday in Russia - Women's Day!  It's a day off, so actually, since it's Sunday, everyone will be off tomorrow....wish it were the same here :)  Anyway, Emily and I wish all the girls we know lots of love, happiness, and all the best!!

Here is a cute pic my friend Elizabeth took of us yesterday at Chick-fil-A:

Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Time at Chick-fil-A

Today, we met my friend Elizabeth and her mom Nancy at Chick-fil-A for lunch, and Emily came too!  It was Emily's first-ever outing to a public place like that (believe it or not, we have not gone "out" to eat with her until now!)  Emily did very well - she smiled, 'talked', cooed, and even shrieked (happily), did not complain until the very end, and that was only because it got close to her nap time and she was ready to go. We were very proud of her!  

Ok, let's see what this "going out to eat" is all about...I am ready!

Sitting in a high chair like a big girl:

Mimi's lap was her place of choice after a while - and that was ok with everybody!

Fifi came along, and entertained Emily for a while:

Elizabeth's friend Saphrina made this blanket for's a keeper!  :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Long post...aka Emily is 8 months old!

I apologize for the lack of posts lately - it's been crazy at the George house!  Emily started daycare this week.  Things have been going well, although we are yet to leave her there for the whole day.  I've been off this week so we are doing half days.  We will attempt all day tomorrow.

Emily also turned 8 months old this week.  Mimi, Daddy, and Mommy ate some turtle pie to celebrate, while Emily looked curiously on.  

Lots of pictures in this post....since I have to catch up and all.......

Her new sun hat - it's been coming in handy on those walks with Mimi when the sun is it was over 80 degrees and the girls still wanted some fresh air (can't blame them...) so we've been wearing the hat.  Emily will try to pull it off her head a lot, but somehow she kept it on for the pictures.

Our little Mimi's scarf.

Playing with Russian things Mimi brought.....(they are bright and colorful so she is interested in them.)

Off to daycare we go - the morning of Monday March her car seat ready to meet Monique (babysitter).  Emily has been having fun with Monique and her two boys, 2.5 year old Luis, and 7 month old Noah.

Promise I have not lost my mind.  I know Christmas was 3 months ago.  It's just that my friend Elizabeth gave Emily this adorable bib for Christmas and asked me to take her picture in it.  I kept forgetting and forgetting, until I realized I better take this now, or it will be next Christmas with a 1.5 year old in the picture - and somehow I get the feeling Elizabeth wanted a "baby" picture with that bib, not a toddler picture :)

Ems LOVES the washing machine.  Can sit on it for what seems like hours.  Yet, she hated the vibration in her bassinet.  Go figure?????

Please don't call CPS.....I made sure there was no detergent anywhere on that cap or bottle.  For that matter, there wasn't even any dust on it!  

Cheerios.....she likes to play with them but refuses to put them in her mouth.  Yet, everything else that has no business in her mouth goes there right away (cloths, paper towels, socks, shoes.....)  Silly goose!

Remember the bunny from a few posts ago?  Well.....the little guy (not so little any more) now lives in our back yard permanently.  Here he is, sitting under our palm tree. Steve and I give him carrots - probably part of the reason he stuck around.  The other day he let Mimi, Mommy, and Emily come very close!  Emily went crazy, she was so excited about seeing the bunny.

All pretty in pink, ready for her nap.

Ahhh....the joys of technology.  Daddy and Emily love the TV.  Mommy spoils all their fun when she doesn't let Emily watch it :)

The last few times, she's really liked a sink bath, not a tub bath.  

In her Jumperoo, she lowers her head/eyes all the way to the blinking lights in the piano - it's so cute!  I think she is trying to figure out how those lights work.   Steve thinks she might be an engineer when she grows up, she has a thing for everything mechanical & technical.  Mommy would rather see her be a brilliant lawyer or doctor, so she can take care of us in our old, kidding!!

More pink ruffles.  We need some bows in that hair!!  :)

Emily's first official tennis shoes.  She is very proud of them.  Loves to chew on the shoelaces!

And, Daddy took some nice black & white shots of his favorite girl a couple of days ago - who needs photo studios?  :)  Thanks, Daddy!!  :)