Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


A sunset we happened to see a couple of days ago during one of the walks with Emily.

Walking With Mimi

So my Mom is the biggest exercise fan ever and cannot go even one day without working out. Lately, her main workout has been walking with Emily. They do it every morning for 2.5 hours, and then sometimes in the evenings too!  Here are a few pics from those outings....

With Mimi at the Pond (in our neighborhood)

Waiting on Daddy's lap while Mimi puts her walking shoes on...

Ok, I am ready to go!

Back from the walk, sitting in her stroller in the back yard (I love this picture because it looks like she is sitting in a "grown up" chair, the way she put that right arm on the side of the stroller.)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Good Day

A few pictures from today:

Hanging outside with Mimi....

Emily sporting the "All American Girl" outfit that was given to her by my co-workers...

On Mimi's shoulder, looking around...

And of course, in the swing playing with her animals....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gifts from Russia

These are some of the gifts my Mom brought from Russia....

Traditional Matreshka doll (wood carved and hand painted) that breaks up into five:

Silver spoons for Mom has always liked the expression, "born with a silver spoon in her/his mouth" :)

This dress was sent to Emily by her aunt Anna in Russia (my cousin)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Olga's Arrival

On September 17th, my Mom arrived safely. She was excited to meet Emily, and Emily already loves her! We decided on "Mimi" as far as my Mom's "name" goes for Emily - before, she just wanted to be "Olga" but then she liked Mimi.  So Mimi it is!!

I don't have a lot of time at the moment and we have not taken any pictures so this is short. We'll post more when we have a chance to catch up, get used to everything, and let my Mom recover from all the new experiences in her life :)

Here's my Mom arriving at DFW:

Emmie wore a dress for her first meeting with my Mom, but she was not in the mood for pictures, so this is not the best of her, or me, but oh well...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cool Morning

It was cool (although bright and sunny) this morning, so I dressed Emily a little warmer for our morning walk.  This outfit came from my Russian friend Helen - I thought Emily looked so cute in it!!  Like a little striped bee :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Car Ride



Go!  (To sleep :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

First complete outfit

So we've mostly had Emily in onesies because it's easy and, we noticed she has outgrown most of them so we went for our first "real" outfit with pants and all...Daddy's Little Princess - how true!!  :)

Tummy time went well yesterday but that head finally got too heavy, so she just dropped it :)

First long pj's - she wore it on one of those cooler mornings we had a couple of days ago.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Some more pictures...

Emily playing with her French poodle...Fifi :)

Gym fun!

Uncle Ed

Aunt Karen