Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Olga's Arrival

On September 17th, my Mom arrived safely. She was excited to meet Emily, and Emily already loves her! We decided on "Mimi" as far as my Mom's "name" goes for Emily - before, she just wanted to be "Olga" but then she liked Mimi.  So Mimi it is!!

I don't have a lot of time at the moment and we have not taken any pictures so this is short. We'll post more when we have a chance to catch up, get used to everything, and let my Mom recover from all the new experiences in her life :)

Here's my Mom arriving at DFW:

Emmie wore a dress for her first meeting with my Mom, but she was not in the mood for pictures, so this is not the best of her, or me, but oh well...

1 comment:

Smith Family said...

Lovin the photos. So glad "mom" arrived safe and sound & hope things settle in quickly. We'd still love to see y'all...even if we have to come to you. Let me know.