Emily's first Thanksgiving was wonderful. If you know me, then you know I worry about everything, and my main concern was that Emily was not going to do too well in new surroundings (after all, she is too young to know this "new" house is her Granmom's!) and around a lot of new people (well, new to her.) She did amazing. Did not fuss, cry, or get upset, let people hold her, laughed and smiled, and enjoyed every moment! She wore her Thanksgiving outfit, too - her first one. So many wonderful memories were made, and we are all so excited Emily got to share in them!
Night before Thanksgiving.....trying harder and harder to sit up on her own:

And every chance she gets, she reaches for things and grabs them now:

Thanksgiving morning....playing in the gym (the folded out version) while Mommy, Daddy, and Mimi get ready:
And, here we are! In Daddy's lap taking it all in:
Cousin Merichelle Roberts (soon to be Jones :) and her fiance Bryan. Emily fell in love with Bryan!!! She smiled huge at him and just about stared a hole through the poor guy!! But, if anything, she has good taste!! (So does Merichelle!! :)
Mimi, Mommy, and Emmie:
Our family. I am so thankful for Steve, his parents, and all his relatives. They are the nicest, sweetest, kindest people on this planet!! I am so lucky to be a George!! :)

Practicing her cooing in uncle Ed's arms:

Uncle Ed:

Aunt Karen:
Mimi and Mommy took Emily for a walk in her stroller in the afternoon. The day was gorgeous, Em fell right asleep, and stayed that way for an hour and a half. Another thing to be thankful for!! We wandered over to White Rock Elementary, where Steve, Karen, and Stan all went to grade school, and took pictures with their pumpkin patch/display:

Aunt Rebecca:
A nice mid-afternoon snack (her hand) as the evening draws to a close:
Thanks George family (as well as the Roberts of course!!) for making Emily's first major "American" holiday so meaningful and fun!! We love you all!!